Sama Abadi Sdn Bhd

Our Work Task

We have multiple teams of experienced and conscientious workers who carry out the general cleaning services under the director of a supervisor they are based permanently in each respective project. Our services cover every aspect of cleaning, periodic cleaning, long term contractual & non-contractual cleaning and point to point rubbish collection. #SamaAbadiSdnBhdFacilityManagement#SamaAbadiSdnBhdCleaningServices#SamaAbadiSdnBhdBuildingmaintenanceservices#SamaAbadiSdnBhdInfraredThermography#SamaAbadiSdnBhdpestcontrolservices#SamaAbadiSdnBhdLandscapingservices#SamaAbadiSdnBhdIndustryWasteDisposal